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2003-09-24--1:37 p.m.







playgroup was today. it went surprisingly well once the biters and hitters had to go home early. it was so nice to around with just a few ladies and watch the kids play so nice and visit. it was wonderful to see everyone from the "old ward". it felt it had been a month since i had seen any of them. we had a giggle over what was happening in each of our wards, who had been called to what and what positions were still to be filled. we speculated and giggled over what could possible be the worst thing to have any of us called to. lucky, since i already have two jobs, i figure i am out of the woods and not likely to get any more.

tonight is big premier night, as was lastnight, but since i didn't get to watch any last night it will be tivo-licious and then live tv premier night. i am looking forward to it.

sister that used to live with me called mom last night and told her she was moving in with her boyfriend. (as if this was just happening now) mom took it well considering and i am so grateful that she doesn't blame me for any of this. because frankly, i am so glad she is gone. she caused serious havoc with the spirit in our home and i didn't like her here. but i still wish she wasn't going to be living with some guy she barely knows and THAT is a whole 'nother story and thing that i am just not going to think about today. i am probably not going to think about it tomorrow either.

i have to clean my house, the visiting teachers are coming tomorrow and i should probably at least vacuum the floor and put the giant pile of halloween costumes in the entrance way in a box in the garage.