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2003-07-07--10:44 a.m.







what a miserable day to start a monday. N. called this morning from work and said when he went to put gas in the car the debit card was declined. so when he got to work it turns out a check tha the insurance company sent us was stopped payment on so we are 400$ overdrawn! UGH! it was a funky situation, when N. got that check we both wondered what the heck it was for. When N. got his yearly bonus we paid all our insurance dues up to the end of the year, so he called our agent to check and see what this money was all about. He assured us it was ours and gave all sorts of funky confusing reasons. we the spent it on things for the B.N.H., wouldn't you with 400 extra dollars?

my sister that lives with us is late on rent again. 7 days late, she is telling N. she doesn't have money to pay this month. (funny, she did just get back from a week in vegas - you'd think she'd plan ahead a little.)(this is a huge sore spot with me - she angers me to no end - but that is another story)

oh i hate being broke, i hate ever more knowingly going in the hole. i hate it even more when you have to do it for things like milk and diapers. what a piss poor way to start a week.