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2003-07-09--12:36 p.m.







i always tell myself that i am going to write first and then read everyone else's updates. i never do that. i am just one big jellyfish of self control. and then i run out of time, or the boys need something or i just don't feel especially brilliant next to everyone else. i am just going to keep reminding myself that i am doing this for me. i am not aspiring to be a brilliant writer, but that doesn't mean the i can't appreciate other's gifts.

i have enrichment meeting tonight at church. i was thinking that i would go because they are making a humanitarian quilt, i have no idea what that is, but i humanitarian makes me think i should help out and quilt makes me really want to be there just to participate. thing is, N. doesn't get home from work until 6:30 - 7 and the thing starts at 6:30 and i really am not feeling all that hot today emotionally since i ran out of my herbs 3 days ago and have since then being flyig emotionally by the seat of my pants like some mad mood swing monkey. i know me, i think that if there is even a chance that i might not want to go, i won't go. look at the fiasco that is playgroup. i hate playgroup, i never go to playgroup. i can give you a million reasons why, and yet part of me still feels like i should be going. W. doesn't play with the other kids, he plays with me with the other kids' toys. i can't stand the other moms. UGH sex should be harder to figure out, then we'd have less retarded parents in the world. the last time i went to p.g. to escape the in-law invasion it was 2 1/2 hours of talking about the car seat conspiracy. how they are not putting their kids in car seats until they are 80lbs. (the recommended size to let your child sit alone in an adult seat with an adult belt) one mother even said that as soon as her kids outgrew their infant seat they got a lap belt just like everyone else. when i spoke up and said W. and J. would be in boosters until they were 80lbs she actually smirked and me and said, "well we'll be sure not to ask you to carpool" Like i was the bad mother here. pissed me off to no end. i could have spit on her. hack-ptew!

N. promised me a girlie movie and a cuddle last night, we didn't get it because i started a spat about how much time he spends taking care of the lawn. maybe i'll cash in my raincheck tonight. that sounds lots better than being with a bunch of biddies, even if they are quilting.