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2003-07-03--9:35 a.m.







it seems like an eon since i have updated, and that only means about a million things to write.

i got my haircut on saturday. saturday it looked funky (not good funky, but like when you say something tastes funky - funky) salon-hair, too much goop, too much round brush, too much professionalism. sunday it didn't look good either, i didn't exactly ask for a church haircut, i didn't get a church haircut, it wasn't a good day to try and tame it into a church haircut. monday it was fabulous. tuesday.. again, fabulous. wednesday, do you really want me to taunt you with it...? fabulous hair! i am in love with Allen. He may be almost sixty, he may be the slowest haircutter man that i have EVER been to, he was slightly odd, but he had me at hello. fabulous hair! and the best part of it is, for it to look it's best, i just need to go to bed with wet hair, i can do that.

we are painting the masterbedroom today. N. took an extra day off because i talked him into painting the ceiling too. i am hoping to make it feel less like we are sleeping in a grain cilo.

i designed and sewed three denim skirts for Soink yesterday. she is such a complete slave driver. you would think that i'd just tell her no when she asks me these things, but i just can't do it. i am terrified of my baby sister. she really is a terror. scares the socks of me, and i only talk to her when she is nice, but the stories that she can tell. YIKES! i am telling you, i'd hate to me up with her late at night on BART when she wanted your seat or you looked at her funny - you just might not make it. she takes this "princess" thing a little too seriously. Don't get so put out Soinky, the whole world hasn't gotten the memo about it not just being a family joke anymore. and no, i wasn't in charge of getting that memo out.. please don't blame me.

the baby is starting to crawl. N. thinks it is the greatest thing ever. like we are going to raise some super athlete since our baby is trying to get his wheels at 5 months. i see NO humor in this. i was upset when he started to roll over. i know this sounds hideous, but when they start moving they are just a million times more work. and i like him as a baby! i haven't had him at that stage long enough. i want more cuddles and snuggles and just laying and sleeping. Not rolling around and putting various toddler toys in mouths and freaking mommy out when she left you in the middle of the room and comes back after the bathroom and you are gone because you have rolled around the sofe and into the corner. i don't want that, not yet.

i wish N. would get his site back up so my stupid images would work, i am determined NOT to move them.

time to get up and get moving. as my mom would dearly love to say, "daylight's a burning" of course, she likes to say that at 6:00am and she would be shocked to realize i just rolled out of bed with a day full of projects at 9:30. don't tell her, okay? i can't deal with everyone demanding things of me - the depression is flaring up again, i think i'll be up-ing my herbal intake for a few days and see if i can get a handle on things.