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2003-06-23--11:44 p.m.







i ought to write something, no one wants to have to keep thinking about how we are kitten-less. so sad, i spent the entire weekend grumbling about N. spending too much time at church and how this was how things were going to be from now on.

W. marched himself into the bathroom sunday night and went pee all by himself! i was stunned with glee! i am still stunned, stunned i tell you.

also spent the whole weekend reading the new harry potter. i liked it, i never wanted it to end. i am going to start the whole series over when i get all my books back from my mother the end of july. i can't wait for the next one. i am trying to tell myself i am not a sheep, but i do love mindless entertainment, it is back to the smutty romance novels now, at least for the next month or so.