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2003-06-21--10:39 p.m.







we had to put our second little kitty to sleep today. it was horrible. he was suppose to just have a routine kitty exam and get his immunizations, but since he was an adoptee we needed to have him screened for parvo, feline lukemia and feline HIV. he tested postivie for feline lukemia and also ring worm. N. was the one who took him and after talking treatment options and such over with the vet decided to put him to sleep. i am just so upset over this. and now i have exposed Big Fat Kitty to sickness. he is up on all his immunizations, thank goodness. he has to go in now in a month for a full screen to tests to make sure he didn't catch anything from the kitties and we have spent the day scouring the house and kitty domain especially to make sure that B.F.K doesn't get sick too. this is just too upsetting, i am so angry at the breeder that let this happen. (the vet said the kitties were probably sick from their mother) i am upset they let these kitties be adopted out while they were so sick, i am upset at myself for exposing B.F.K. and for all the money that was spent to just find out what was wrong and then to have nothing come out of it, no treatments that would save little kitties. it has just been a sad sad day. fittingly it rained all day.