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2003-10-07--11:53 a.m.







count down to road trip home in 4 days. i have a million things to do and don't feel pressure to get any of them done right away. feels like a nyquil haze, but with out the green burny syrup. i have given myself a deadline of tonight to finally call someone and find a substitute for my primary class. i have ideas of who to call, i just don't have their phone number. tracking down a phone number is more work than i have the desire to put forth right now. (and over the last week)

looking forward to seeing my family, dreading the obligatory time with everyone else. "oh we're so glad to see you, PLEASE let's get together" okay people, i only have a certain amount of days here to spend with people that i really love and want to see and will miss like crazy once i get back home. i don't want to spend a dull evening making small talk and nicey nice chat with you since you can't even bother to return a nice letter that i write you or a phone call or any sort of "in touch duty" that would be appropriate to render yourself worthy of some of my time on vacation. sadly though, my mom things that keeping "in touch" is something important that i should do and so she invites people to "drop by". UGH!! can't you people see i am in my vacation jammies!! you are NOT welcome here. that is all, good bye, poopies.

you can obviously see why people want to spend time with me so badly. i think they just want to perv on my hubby and see how plump i am getting.