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2003-09-08--10:41 a.m.







as i sit here the house is a shambles around me. I am trying to gear up the energy to get up and start cleaning up. But laundry is going in the next room and the hum of the dryer and the smell of the softener is lulling me into a daze that says... "just relax, don't you feel like sitting there some more and just smelling the april freshness of it all?" well, i do, but i can't.

they are splitting the wards next week. i can't wait, for the last 3 weeks nursery has been horrendous! 15-18 kids 18mo.-3yrs.. KILL ME NOW!! i come home in my church clothes cover in snott and snack and i dare not even think what Else!! it is time for a change. I'll miss my friends who will be in the other ward now, but i'll still see them at play group and when we actually just get together. i am hoping and crossing my fingers that N. won't be put in a position that will take too much time away from the family. but it looks like he is going to be in a short line for the big jobs. ick, oh well, i have to go find my supportive wife face, i think i left it under the guest bed.