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2003-08-30--8:43 a.m.







hooray for home improvements. hopefully this weekend i will be painting the kitchen table. it is a lovely kitchen table with good bone structure. the stain on it is horrendous, but i have been willing to overlook that... until now. this weekend the table will be sanded and then lovely stained black. it is going to look so magnificent with all the other black in the kitchen and against the slate floor. i am giddy with excitement for the finished project, although not too stoked about the amount of sanding that i am about to undertake.

also bought glaze to paint the 2nd bedroom. i have decided that although i like the colors and think the the paint turned out well, it is just to sherbet-y for the rest of the house. time to tone it down a little. the 2nd bedroom is the black sheep room of the family.. or maybe i should say lime green sheep of the family, which at this point is just as bad.

speaking of sheep, i have to figure out how to wash W.'s lamby today. He fell out of bed lastnight (which happens more often than not) and ended up spending the night on his lamby. The washing part comes in where he woke up at 7:00 and had peed in his undies and jammies. (AND the lamby) does anyone have any idea how to get sheepskin clean? off to the internet to discover how.