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2003-08-04--10:32 a.m.







ahh the laundry is piling up and i am slowly working my way through it. lots of yard work was done and the lilies are now all happily sinking into my ammended soil and they better grow. dirt cheap is SUCH an outdate phrase. i have bedding to wash, i have beds to remake from clean bedding. i have toys to sort through and put away and menus to plan and grocery shopping to do. and i have to fit all the in somewhere with the rest of the things that have to be done everyday or my world will fall apart.

i am enjoying picking out colors to paint N.'s new full isolated office. he couldn't paint before because the sewing suite must be white. he is getting giddy and i am suggesting VERY manly colors. (who names these things by the way?)

i have to go sort through he-man toys now. they are overtaking the b.n.h. is a he-man siege.