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2003-06-19--10:36 a.m.







N. made a good point last night as W. and I were saying our abc's in sign language. (or the hand alphabet as W. calls it) N. said, " you know maybe you are putting too much emphasis on this potty thing - everything you just tell him and let him learn he does, but the potty thing, the more you force it, the more he resists. - hmm some insight, i'll have to examine this further)

the week is almost over, i would be looking forward to the weekend but N. has the whole weekend full of church responsibilies. We'll pass in the night, i suppose, but i am not planning on seeing him other than that. i am hoping this job that he has accepted won't always be like this, i am not to fond of being the only parent around all the time.

it is cold here today, it was cold yesterday. don't get me wrong, i adore 65 as a high in june, i just wish it wasn't followed by 90's that throws me off just a little.

i have to grocery shop today, we are out of milk. trips to the store for milk rule my life. but i don't know what we would eat with our cookies and banana bread if we didn't have milk, diet coke just doesn't have the same yummyness with baked goods. you take the girl off the diary farm, but that just means she'll be going to the store 3 times a week for milk.

time to cut out some fabric, i bought some snuggley flannel plaids that are pink! i can't wait to cut them into a little scottie dog quilt for some lucky little girl. i also have to box up about 50 things the in laws forget! for heaven's sake they left their blender here! if you need your own blender enough to take it on vacation with you, you would think you would remember to take the darned thing home. some things will always be beyond my understanding.