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2003-06-18--10:40 a.m.







potty time is still the main part of our days, i told N. lastnight that i

just don't see a light at the end of the potty tunnel, it is NEVER going to

happen for us, we are going to be chasing W. around until he is 14 trying

to get him to sit on the potty. ugh! i had cloth underpants on him

yesterday, they are the "serious" potty training tool, because you cannot

miss with them. if you pee, you pee on the carpet and the chair and it is

just a huge mess, not to mention the laundry involved. anyway, we were doing

great and W. pooped in them! UGH! and he just dropped that turd right out

the side leg hole of those undies and went on playing. I freaked right out!

it is such a sad thing, but moms have no dignity left, their children steal

it from them. we were finding poop nuggets all over the house yesterday, the stupid new kitty even played with one, it was horrid! you can't see poop on navy blue carpet, you know. i am sure this potty thing is going to kill me, i just know it. oh well, i am sure you are giggling out of control now, i

probably would be to, if it wasn't me trying to get smashed turd out of my

new carpet.